This is an Astrological Computer and a calculator. It has 4 key astrological features: (1) Natal
Horoscope- Gives the Zodiac positions of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars
on the date of birth for any person. With this information you can have insight
into any individual's personality. (2) Astrological Compatibility- Astrostar
will compare the personality traits of any two people for a indication of compatibilty
(green light = similar traits, yellow light = traits are in conflict or different).
(3) Daily Horoscopes- It will compare astrological conditions for any
day and compares them with your astrological makeup. (4) Four-function calculator.
It is not Y2K compliant, entering dates after Dec 31, 1999 will cause inaccurate
readings or an error.
Released in the US by Radio
Shack/Tandy as Astro.